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The dynamic between the United States and China is the most complex bilateral relationship in the modern age. In the fifty years since President Nixon’s opening to China, Sino-American relations have undergone an impressive transformation from animosity and conflict during the Cold War to candid dialogue and cooperation in the unipolar moment. These two vastly complicated countries found common ground on issues of trade, investment, and in peacekeeping and maintenance of global security. Alarmingly, however, animosity and conflict have reemerged with great urgency in the past decade. Relations between the two countries are becoming colder as American officials are crafting “a strategy that deals with China as it is, rather than as they wish it were,” indicating a harder line will be proposed. The potential for instability to the world order looms as China continues to build its economic might and military strength in what looks to be a formidable contest for hegemony with the United St...

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